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Zebra GK420t Thermal Transfer Label Printer

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To order at the great prices below, please just email us sales@dragon-solutions.com telling us which model you require and as long as you include your telephone number, we’ll call you straight back and make all the arrangements! THESE PRICES INCLUDE CARRIAGE.

GK42-102520-000   GK420T Thermal Transfer Label Printer – RS232 Serial, Parallel and USB

GK42-102521-000   GK420T Thermal Transfer Label Printer – Dispenser – RS232, Parallel and USB

GK42-102220-000   GK420T Thermal Transfer Label Printer – USB and Ethernet

GK42-102221-000 GK420T Thermal Transfer Label Printer with Dispenser – USB and Ethernet





The Zebra GK420 thermal transfer label printer has earned itself the accolade of being the best selling desktop label printer in the World. Barcodes, graphics and quality text are possible with the GK420t which is invaluable to a wide section of mid-volume and distributed printing applications. Proven design and long term dependability have propelled this little machine to the top of the pile.

The Zebra GK420t thermal transfer printer offers the best value in a basic desktop printer, featuring a fast 5 inches per second print speed to meet your low- to medium-volume printing requirements. The GK420t has a sleek and compact design, boasts the easiest ribbon loading system on the market, and supports a variety of applications and industries.

Zebra’s GKTM Series desktop label printers combine dependable printing with fast print speeds and network manageability. With their easy-to-use design, Zebra’s advanced desktop label printers enable you to improve operational efficiencies.