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Zebra Wax Ribbons for Desktop Zebra Printers

These Zebra wax ribbons are specially made to suit your desktop Zebra printer when being used in thermal transfer mode. These ribbons are ideally suited to printing at higher speeds onto standard plain paper labels, coated or uncoated. They provide clear printing of bar codes, text and graphics but offer little scratch resistance for items which may be handled and restocked regularly. For items which are stocked for many years, the resultant printing is permanent as long as mechanical damage is avoided.

Available in boxed quantities, Zebra wax ribbons are available in stock at any time.

To calculate how many labels you may print with a given ribbon, it’s a matter of some simple mathematics based on the length of the ribbon and how long each label is:-

For example – the ribbon is 74M long which is 74000mm

The labels you’re printing are say, 76mm tall (when viewed exiting the printer) and have a 3mm gap – total label height = 79mm

74000mm divided by 79mm = 936   This means you can print 936 labels from each 74M roll of ribbon